Literatur im geteilten Deutschland (en)

Literature in Divided Germany

The international network Literature in Divided Germany (LIDG) brings together scholars who are not only interested in one of the two literatures in divided Germany, but who conduct research on German-German literary relations, on contacts and cooperations between writers in divided Germany.


LIDG is a plattform for academic exchange. Therefore, it organizes annual meetings for substantial and methodological discussions. A kick-off event with project presentations took place in July 2016 at Humboldt University in Berlin. The next time the network LIDG will meet in July 2020 in Berlin.


The network LIDG provides information on

  • events such as workshops, conferences, book presentation etc.
  • researchers and their projects
  • articles, books, reviews and other publications on the subject.


New members and partners are welcome!

If you are interested in the network or you would like to inform us on events or publications please send an email to Anke Jaspers: