Institut für deutsche Literatur

Forschung und Service (Auswahl)



  • Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien im internationalen Kontext
  • Holocaust in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
  • DDR Literatur und DEFA Film (KJL)
  • Spatial Studies: Robinsonaden, Downriver-Erzählungen, Inselliteratur, Urbane Literatur
  • Literatur & Kunst; u.a. Bilderbuch und bildende Kunst
  • James Krüss & Zyklisches Erzählen in der KJL





2019: Elected Member for ChLA International Committee, Children’s Literature Association, USA (3-year-appointment)


2019: Nominated for IRSCL Executive Board 2019-2021, International Research Society for Children’s Literature


2017: Member of the Academic Advisory Board for the Jahrbuch Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung(Yearbook Children’s and Youth Literature), Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung (GFJF), Germany (5-years-appointment; 2017-2021)


2017: Invited Member of the ChLA Publications Advisory Board, Children’s Literature Association, USA (1-year-appointment)


2015: Kosmos Programs, Top-Level Research Fundingat Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for CurioCity—International Student Conference, June 2015 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Academic supervisors and organizers: Ada Bieber and Petra Anders (conference program)


2014-15: Q-KollegInternational Student Research Groups at HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, cooperation with Teachers College at Columbia University, USA, organizers: Ada Bieber and Petra Anders (more)


2014: Member of the Committee for the German Youth Literature Award, Germany (2014-2015) [Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis; Public Award conferred by the German Government, Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women, and the Youth






2012: Zyklisches Erzählen in James Krüss’ “Die Geschichten der 101 Tage” [Cyclical Narration in James Krüss' Tales of 101 Days] Hamburg: Igel Verlag, 405 pp.

2007: Insel und Fremdheit in Annette Pehnts Roman ‘Insel 34’. [Island and Otherness in Annette Pehnt's Novel: Island 34] Frankfurt a. M.; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang, 149 pp.




2019: Guest editor for Colloquia Germanica: New Perspectives on Young Adult GDR Literature and Film, Bd. 50, 1/2017 [with Sonja Klocke]


2014: Deutsch 5-10: Mit Filmen lernen [German: Learning With Films], No. 40, Friedrich Verlag [with Petra Anders]


2009: Angeschwemmt—Fortgeschrieben. Robinsonaden im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert [Washed Ashore—Robinsonades in the 20th and 21st Century] Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann [with Stefan Greif and Günter Helmes]


Artikel und Lexikonartikel (P=Peer Reviewed)

2023 (P; rpt) “Who’s Afraid of Angela Davis?: An American Icon and the Political Uses of Youth Literature in the GDR” Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today’s Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creative Writers, edited by Rebecca Parks. Farmington Hills: Gale 2023. (=Volume 513)


2022 (P) “Reflections of Multiculturalism in a Globalized World in German Picturebooks since 1989” The Lion and the Unicorn, [with Philip Nel, Kansas State University, USA], pp. 1-34


2021 (P) “The Authority of Wax: The Child Flâneur in East German Cinema” Children’s Literature, Vol. 49 (2021), pp.40-58


2020 (P) “Rules of Landscape: Suburbane Landschaftsentwürfe in Shaun Tans Rules of Summer” Bild und Text im historischen Kinderbuch, hrsg. von Julia Benner und Sigrund Putjenter. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, pp. 57-69


2020 (P) “Streams of Consciousness: The Downriver Narrative in Young Adult Fiction”  International Research in Children’s Literature, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 61-75 [with Richard Gooding, University of British Columbia]


2020 (P) “Anne Frank als Adaption: Neuentwurf und Engführung im internationalen Bilderbuch” [Anne Frank as Adaptation: Re-Imagining and Limitations in International Picturebooks] kjl&m, 20.1/2020, pp. 38-44


2019 (P) “Who’s Afraid of Angela Davis?: An American Icon and the Political Uses of Youth Literature in the GDR” Colloquia Germanica: New Perspectives on Young Adult GDR Literature and Film, Bd. 50, 1/2017, pp. 59-80


2019 (P) “Voices from the Interior: Reimagining Childhood under Janusz Korczak’s Care” The Lion and the Unicorn, 42/2018, pp. 321-337


2018 “‘Der Ozean ist eine Wildnis.’ Das Meer als traditioneller Erzählraum in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur” [“‘The Ocean Is A Wilderness’: The Sea As Canonical Space In Children’s and Youth Literature”] JuLit, vol. 2, 2018, pp. 46-52


2017 (P) “We Shall Overcome: Fear, Freedom, and the US Civil Rights Movement in GDR Writing for Youth” Limbus: Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 10, Rombach, 2017, pp. 103-20


2016 (P) “‘With having written my books, life was brought into order’: On James Krüss’ cycle The Tales of 101 DaysDas Bücherschloss, 2015, pp. 32-43


2016 “Die US-amerikanische Metropole New York in der internationalen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur” [“New York in International Children’s and Youth Literature”] kjl&m, 68. Jg., pp.71-78


2015 (P) “Mentoring in a Heterotopic Space—Janusz Korczak’s Orphanage in Contemporary Picture Books” Filoteknos, vol. 5, pp. 181-189


2014 “Youth Agency und politische Bewusstseinsbildung in Kirsten Boie’s Skogland-Dilogie” [“Youth Agency and creation of political awareness in Kirsten Boie’s Skogland novels”] Josting, Petra (ed.) Kirsten Boie—Bielefelder Poet in Residence 2013. München: kopaed, pp. 117-126


2014 “Reiseabenteuer auf Flüssen und in Küstengewässern” [“River Narratives: Traveling on Rivers and Sailing Adventures in Coastal Waters”] Franz, Kurt; Lange, Günter; Payrhuber, Franz-Josef (eds.). Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ein Lexikon (Children’s And Youth Literature. An Encyclopedia). 53. Erg.-Lfg/ supplement. Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, pp. 1-44


2014 “‘What if the island wasn’t just an island’. Die fantastische Entgrenzung der defoe’schen Robinsonade in der TV-Serie Lost” [“Beyond the Fantastic Realm of a Defoesque Robinsonade in the Television Series Lost”] Lötscher, Christine; Schranckmann, Petra; Tomkowiak, Ingrid; von Holzen, Aleta-Amirée (eds.). Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik/ Transitions and Beyond in the Fantastic Berlin, Zürich: Lit Verlag, pp. 513-526


2014 “‘So, when are we?’ Zeit, Ort und Individualität in der TV-Serie Lost” [“‘So, when are we?’ Time, Place and Individuality in Lost”] Plancka, Sabine (ed.). Zeitreisen in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Time Travel in Literature for Children and Youth). Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann 2014, pp. 267-283


2013 “Library- and Literacy-Learning. Überlegungen zur Initiierung und Vermittlung einer Lesekultur in Schule und Bücherei” kjl&m, 13.2, pp. 62-69


2013: (P) “Von Trizonesiern, Konjunkturrittern und Herzensbrechern. Der Schlagersound der 1950er Jahre” [“On The Occupation Zones, ‘Knights of Profits’, and Heartbreakers: The Sound of Schlager in the 1950s”] Paul, Gerhard; Paul Schock (eds.). Der Sound des Jahrhunderts [Sound of the Century]. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 352-57 [co-author Günter Helmes]   rpt. Sound der Zeit. Geräusche, Töne, Stimmen. 1889 bis heute [Sound of the Time. Noises, Tones, Voices. 1889 Until Today] Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2014, pp. 341-348


2013 “James Krüss.”


2012 (P) “Helgoland als ‘geistige Lebensform’ oder Der ‘gelernte Insulaner’: James Krüss und sein Verhältnis zur Insel Helgoland.” [“Heligoland as ‘a Form of Intellectual Life’ or the ‘Studied Islander’: James Krüss and his Relationship with the Island Heligoland”] Filoteknos, vol. 2, pp. 121-143


2012 “‘Ich lebe nur, wenn ich erotisch lebe’: Die Inszenierung des rauschhaften Lebens der Franziska zu Reventlow in Rainer Wolffhardts Biopic Die Reventlow (1980)” (“‘I Only Live When I Live Erotically’: The Staging of the Ecstatic Life of Franziska von Reventlow in Rainer Wolffhardt’s Biopic Reventlow (1980)) Helmes, Günter (ed.). Schicht um Schicht behutsam freilegen. Die Regiearbeiten von Rainer Wolffhardt. [Carefully Exposed, Layer by Layer: The Stage Works of Rainer Wolffhardt] Hamburg: Igel Verlag, pp. 245-277


2009: “Vexation Island—eine Robinsonade jenseits des Kinos” (“Vexation Island—A Robinsonade beyond the Cinema”) Bieber, Ada; Greif, Stefan; Helmes, Günter (eds.). Angeschwemmt—Fortgeschrieben. Robinsonaden im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. [Washed Ashore—Further Described: Robinsonade in the 20th and Early 21st  Century] Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 192-208


2009: “Die Wahrnehmung des Fremden und deren Wandel. Crusoe (1987) von Caleb Deschanel” (“The Perception of the Unfamiliar and its Transformation”) Bieber, Ada; Greif, Stefan; Helmes, Günter (eds.). Angeschwemmt–Fortgeschrieben. Robinsonaden im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. [Washed Ashore–Further Described: Robinsonade in the 20th and Early 21st Century] Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 155-177 [co-authors Christina Korge-Korf and Kristiane Meves]


2009: “Zwischen Entwurzelung und Weltbürgertum: Mirjam aus Lisa Tetzners Die Kinder aus Nr. 67” [“Between Rootlessness and Citizenship of the World: Mirjam from Lisa Tetzner’s The Children from No. 67”] Andresen, Helga; Bauer, Matthias (eds.). Sprachkultur. Siegen: Carl Böschen Verlag, pp. 163-170


2008/09: “James Krüss”. in Franz, Kurt; Lange, Günter; Payrhuber, Franz-Josef (eds.). Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ein Lexikon [Literature for Children and Youth: An Encyclopedia] 32./37. Erg.-Lfg/ supplement. Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, pp. 1-40


2007: “Erinnerungen in der Hummerbude. James-Krüss-Museum eingeweiht” [“Memories in the Lobster Hut: Dedication Ceremony for the James Krüss Museum”] Nordfriesland, No. 160, pp. 16-17 


2006: “Iip Lun oder: Inseln im Leben und Werk des Helgoländer Autors James Krüss [“Iip Lun or: Islands in the Life and Work of Helgoland Author James Krüss”] Nordfriesisches Jahrbuch 2006/07, Vol. 42, Nordfriisk Instituut, pp. 91-114


2006: “Geschichten aus allen Winden. Anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von James Krüss entsteht auf der Insel Helgoland in typischen Hummerbuden ein besonderes Lese-Museum” [“Stories from all Winds: On the Occasion of James Krüss’ 80th Birthday: A Special Reading Museum Established in the Typical Style of Lobster Huts”] JuLit, No. 2, pp. 74-76


Invited Talks


01/19/2021    “Who is welcome?: Images of multiculturalism in German Picture Books Since 1989” Rassismus, Kolonialismus, Dekolonialisierung, Restitution der Kleinen Fächer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany [with Phil Nel, Kansas State University, USA]


03/22/2019: “The Authority of Wax: The Ambiguous Status of the Child Flâneur in East German Cinema” Michigan State University, USA


02/20/2019: “The Relevance of Children’s Literature Scholarship in a Globalized World: Children’s and Young Adults Literature in German Studies and Beyond”, Research Seminar of the Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages, Michigan State University, USA


11/06/2018: Panel Discussion: “Zwischen Realität und Virtualität. Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bilderbuch“ Kinderbuch im Gespräch, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz,Berlin, Germany [Between Reality and Virtuality: Contemporary Developments of Picture Books]


09/27/2016: “Representations of US Civil Right Movements in GDR Young Adult Fiction” Oldenbourg Center for Modern Languages and International Relationsat Pomona College, USA


05/29/2016: “The GDR and the US Civil Rights Movements—Representations in Young Adult Literature”, Department of Germanic Studies Research Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia


04/29/2016: “The GDR and the US Civil Rights Movements—Representations in Young Adult Literature”, Melbourne/Monash German Studies Seminar Series, The University of Melbourne, Australia


02/12/2015: “‘Die Geschichten der 101 Tage’—Zyklisches Erzählen, Fassungsgeschichte und Ordnung” (Cyclical Narration in James Krüss' Tales of 101 Days)James Krüss, der Zauberer mit Tinte, International Youth Library, Munich, Germany


09/25/2014: “Bridges into Holocaust Memory: Janusz Korczak’s Orphanage as a Subject of Two Contemporary Polish and German Picture Books”Annual International Studies Colloquiumat the Illinois Wesleyan University (IL), USA



2018: “The Authority of Wax: The Child Flâneur in Heiner Carow’s Ikarus (1975)” Expertise and Authority: International Workshop of the Thematic Network “Literature – Knowledge – Media”, Cornell University (September 21-22, 2018) 


2018: “Somewhere In Berlin: Film Portrayals of Youth From Weimar to the Wall” 45th Annual International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association, San Antonio, USA (June 28-30, 2018)


2018: “We Built This City: Ideology, Censorship, and Criticism in East Berlin Film for Youth” The Uses of Children’s literature in Political Contexts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (June 13-14, 2018)


2018: “Antifascist Cinema for Youth: Nazi Germany and the Holocaust in DEFA Films for Children and Young Adults” Figuresof Memory—Reading—Experience—Emotions. Books for Children and Young Adults − Theory and Practice of Reception (IV), Wrocław, Poland (June 1-3, 2018)


2017: “Huckleberry Finn in Nazi Germany: Helmut Dziuba’s Film Adaptation of Auguste Lazar’s Exile Novel Jan auf der Zille” German Studies Association’s41st Annual Conference, Atlanta (GA), USA (October 5-8, 2017)


2017: “Angela Davis behind the Berlin Wall: Black Freedom Movements in Young Adult Literature from the GDR” 23th Biennial Congress of IRSCL, York University, Toronto, Canada (July 27-August 2, 2017)


2017: “Who Is Afraid of Angela Davis? Angela Davis’ Radical Call For Freedom in Young Adult Fiction Behind the Berlin Wall” 44th Annual International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association, Tampa, USA (June 22-24, 2017)


2016: “Representations of U.S. Civil Rights Movements and Black Identity in East German Youth Literature” German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA) International Conference, Canberra, Australia


2016: “The GDR and the US Civil Rights Movement: Representations in East German Youth Literature” German Studies Association’s40th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA


2016:  “Downriver Narratives in Political East German Youth Literature” The 35th IBBY International Congress, Auckland, NZ


2016: “Memories of the Drowned—Re-Animating the Fade of Victims on the NS-Ship, Wilhelm Gustloff, from Contemporary American Perspective” 43th Annual International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association, Columbus, USA


2015: “Memorizing Jewish Childhood in Janusz Korczak’s Orphanages as a Heterotopic Space in Contemporary Picture Books” 22nd Biennial Congress of IRSCL, Worcester, UK


2015: “The US Civil Rights Movement in the Mirror of GDR Children’s Literature” 42nd Annual International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association, Richmond, USA


2014: “Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Picture Books in Poland” 41st Annual International Conference of the Children’s Literature Association,Columbia, USA


2014: “‘Aber das Gefühl der Irritation bleibt.’ Unshaped First-Person-Narrators in Judith Hermann’s Stories” German Studies Association’s 38th Annual Conference, Kansas City, USA


2013: “‘Kennt ihr das Lied von Jonny, dem Matrosen?’ Sailors, Seamen and Ladies of the Harbor in the German ‘Seemannsschlager’” German Studies Association’s 37th Annual Conference, Denver, USA


2012: “Zyklisches Erzählen und gerahmte Ordnungen: Grenzziehungen um das Unwägbare in Tiecks Märchennovellen” (“Cyclical and Framed Narratives: Grasping the Inestimable in Tieck's Fairy Tale Novels”) 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm [200 Years Children's Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm]Universität Kassel, Germany


2012: “‘And if it Falls Down, It’s Gonna Fall Down on a Clown’. Deutsche Familienperspektiven auf 9/11” [“‘And if it Falls Down, It’s Gonna Fall Down on a Clown’”. Perspectives of a German Family on 9/11”] German Studies Association’s 36th Annual Conference, Milwaukee (WI), USA


2012: “Die fantastische Entgrenzung der Robinsonade in der Quality TV Serie Lost”[“The Fantastic Realm of the Robinsonade in the Quality Television series Lost”Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik/Transitions and Realm in the Fantastic, Third Annual  Conference of the Society of Research in the Fantastic, GFF, University of Zürich, Switzerland


2009: “Eine barfüßige Gräfin. Das rauschhafte Leben der Franziska zu Reventlow” [“Barefoot Countess: The Ecstatic Life of Franziska von Reventlow”] Schicht um Schicht behutsam freilegen. Die Regiearbeiten Rainer Wolffhardts, Universität Flensburg, Germany