Institut für deutsche Literatur

Institut für deutsche Literatur | Kontakt | Mitarbeitende | Derzeitige Institutsmitarbeiter*innen | Dr. Ada Bieber | Lisa Tetzner Lectures at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Lisa Tetzner Lectures at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The Lisa Tetzner Lectures were founded in 2018. The lectures focus on literature & culture for children and young people as well as connected fields, concentrating on the significance and relevance of children's and young people's literature within a broader international cultural landscape. International scholars in the field are invited to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for academic talks and discussions with students and faculty about significant research and new developments in the field (in English or German). The Lisa Tetzner Lectures are named after the important German children’s author, who was famous for her large œuvre of exile literature for children, written during her own exile from Nazi Germany in Switzerland. Lisa Tetzner's major contribution in politically motivated literature for youth was a series of nine novels, known as "The Children of No. 67" (Die Kinder aus Nr. 67). The books follow a number of child characters from a Berlin working class background from the end of the Weimar Republic to the end of the war, depicting their different fades as children under the Nazis, e.g. as child refugees, as war participants, and finally as an international post-war generation who engages in question of a peaceful world after the Holocaust.The literary genres and subjects embedded into Tetzner’s work connect deeply with political matters, such as fight against fascist ideology, war and refugee experiences, resistance and social responsibility, and many appearing in the series ring still relevant today.

Lisa Tetzner Lectures — 

Talks on International Children’s and Youth Literature & Culture 


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Dr. Ada Bieber,
Institut für deutsche Literatur,
The Lisa Tetzner Lectures were founded in 2018. The lectures focus on literature & culture for children and young people within an international context. The lectures concentrate on the significance, relevance and influences of children's and young people's literature within a broader international cultural landscape. International scholars in the field are invited to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for fruitful academic talks and discussions with students and faculty about significant research and new developments in the field (in English or German).
In so doing, the Lisa Tetzner Lectures foster #Internationalisation@Home both in teaching and in research, and initiate academic dialogues across cultures, disciplines and different academic systems. Since 2023,  the Lisa Tetzner Lectures have broadened into Lisa Tetzner Lectures, Lisa Tetzner Seminars and Lisa Tetzner Conversations in order to enrich academic dialogue with students and faculty at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as well as with the larger community.



Die Lisa Tetzner Lectures wurden 2018 gegründet und stellen internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie kulturelle Angebote für junge Menschen in den Fokus. Die Lectures konzentrieren sich insbesondere auf Bedeutung, Relevanz und sowie Einfluss von diversen Kinder- und Jugendliteraturen/-kulturen auf größere kulturelle Landschaften im globalen Kontext. Zu den Lectures werden internationale Wissenschaftler:innen aus der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung zu akademischen Vorträgen und Diskussionen zu zentralen Forschungsthemen und neunen Entwicklungen in der internationalen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur eingeladen, um einen aktiven Austausch mit Studierenden und Kolleg:innen an der HU zu ermöglichen (in Englisch oder Deutsch). Die Lectures sind einem internationalen Wissenschaftsaustausch verpflichtet und tragen zudem zu einer #Internationalisierung@Home in Forschung und Lehre bei. Sie wenden sich sich im besonderen Maße gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragestellungen und aktuellen Forschungsftendenzen zu und schlagen interdisziplinäre Brücken in andere Fächer und Disziplinen.
Seit 2023 wurden die Lisa Tetzner Lectures um neue Formate akademischen Austausches erweitert, so dass die Lisa Tetzner Lectures nun neben Lisa Tetzner Seminars und Lisa Tetzner Conversations stehen. Dadurch werden wissenschaftliche Diskussion über Literauren und Kulturen junger Menschen noch vielgestaltiger und lebendiger zwischen Wissenschaftler:innen aus aller Welt und Studierenden, Kolleg:innen der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin sowie interessierten Gästen aus der Öffentlichkeit geführt.

Lisa Tetzner Lectures 2024



Larissa Rudova, Pomona College, USA

“Out of the Closet: Russian YA Writers Exploring Gender Issues”

By the beginning of the twenty-first century, new themes emerged in Russian children's and young adult (YA) literature. Among them, gender has become a prominent, albeit controversial, topic for readers, literary critics, and educators. Openly queer writing has been at odds with the rapidly changing cultural and political climate in contemporary Russia, especially after Putin’s 2013 law on gay propaganda, its tightening in 1923, and the government’s strong emphasis on the protection of traditional family values. In this political atmosphere, the topic of childhood queerness has hardly been addressed in any public venue, and it remains a blind spot of Russian literary criticism and scholarship. This talk is an attempt to start a discussion about queer YA literature written by Russian authors who sympathize, empathize, or identify with queer youths. The talk will highlight the work of Mikita Franko (b. 1997), a young Kazakhstani writer who, in his seven novels to date, chronicles the lives of teenage and adult queer characters. Franko’s fiction interrogates sociocultural attitudes toward gender and sexuality in Russia and brings under scrutiny the institution of traditional nuclear family as well as the notion of “family values.” 
Prof. Dr. Larissa Rudova is Yale B. and Lucille D. Griffith Professor in Modern Languages and Professor of German and Russian at Pomona College. She is the author of two monographs, Pasternak’s Short Fiction and the Cultural Vanguard (1995) and Understanding Boris Pasternak (1997). She has co-edited Russian Children’s Literature and Culture (2008, 2010), Historical and Cultural Transformations of Russian Childhood. Myths and Realities (2023) and several thematic journal clusters on children’s and YA literature and culture. Rudova is a co-founder of the international research group, ChEEER (Childhood in Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Russia), affiliated with ASEEES. Her numerous articles have been published in American, Canadian, European, and Russian journals and scholarly volumes. Her research interests include contemporary Russian popular culture and literature, children’s and YA literature, representations of childhood, East European and Russian cinema, and gender studies.
! Date: November 4, 2024, 12.15-13.45 am 
Location: Raum 401, Am Kupfergraben 5 (
Institutsgebäude -, AKU 5)
Webpage of Larissa Rudova:

Past Lisa Tetzner Seminars & Conversations:
Chantal-Fleur Sandjon, Berlin
Lisa Tetzner Converation with Chantal-Fleur Sandjon
(April 29, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Roni Natov, Brooklyn College NYC, USA
Lisa Tetzner Conversation with Roni Natov
(January 15, 2023), Moderation: Ada Bieber


Anna Nordenstam, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Swedish Feminist Comics`-- 
An Expanding Phenomenon
(November 28, 2023) Moderation: Ada Bieber

Lisa Tetzner Lectures:
Philip Nel, Kansas State University,USA
Decolonize Your Imagination: Read Diverse Children’s Books
(July 8, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Sonja E. Klocke, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
Entwicklungsinseln in der Stadt und auf dem Land: Benno Pludras Insel der Schwäne (1980) und Hermann Zschoches Verfilmung (1983) 
(June 18, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Lena Hoffmann, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Authorship in the field of children's and young adult literature: Enid Blyton as a case study (June 10, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Nina Christensen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Where Colonialism, Romanticism and Modernity meet: Children’s literature on childhood in Greenland around 1950 and beyond
(May 27, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Johari I. Murray, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain
Diversity Ideologies: Entanglements, Intersections and Teaching of Children’s Literature in the 21st Century
(May 6, 2024), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Anna Nordenstam, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Poverty and Class: Children's Literature in Sweden
(November 27, 2023) Moderation: Ada Bieber
Karen Sands O'Connor, Newcastle University, UK
Too Much White Space: Black British Picture Books and Why They Matter
(November 20, 2023), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Elizabeth Galway, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Recasting Red Riding Hood, Reimagining Green Gables, and Revisiting the Past in the ‘Great White North’: Indigeneity, Diversity, and History in Contemporary Canadian Children’s Literature
(November 6, 2023, 2023), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Daniel Feldman, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Time for Reading in Youth Novels about the Warsaw Ghetto 
(July 3, 2023), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Larissa Rudova, Pomona College, USA
Landscapes of Trauma: Narratives of Deportation and Evacuation in Soviet Children’s Literature about WWII 
(July 4, 2023), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Anna Nordenstam, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
”It could always be worse”. Swedish Feminist Comics and Cartoons 
(December 6, 2021), Moderation: Ada Bieber

Karen Sands O’Connor, Newcastle University, UK
Who deserves children's rights? Black Power, Reflecting Realities and British children's reading 
(November 9, 2021), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Élodie Malanda, Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Wie die Schwarze Community für mehr Vielfalt in der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur kämpft 
(June 14, 2021), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Zohar Shavit, Tel Aviv University, Israel

The Untold Story: What did West-Germany Tell Its Children about the Holocaust and 
the Third Reich
(November 6, 2019) Moderation: Petra Anders

Philip Nel, Kansas State University, USA
How Children’s Picture Books Work: Harold, a Purple Crayon, and the Making of a Children’s Classic 
(July 9, 2019), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Kimberley Reynolds, Newcastle University, UK
Children’s Magical Realism for New Spatial Interactions: Augmented Reality and the David Almond Archives 
(June 27, 2019), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Richard Gooding, University of British Columbia, Canada
Posthumanism in Writing for the Young: What It Is, What It Does, Where It Needs to Go
(May 28, 2019), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Vanessa Joosen, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Matching Age Studies and Children’s Literature Studies 
(April 15 2019), Moderation & Organisation: Julia Benner
Daniel Feldman, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Reading Games in Auschwitz: Play in Holocaust Children’s Literature
(November 20, 2018), Moderation: Ada Bieber
Sonja E. Klocke, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA
“Auferstanden aus Ruinen": Berlin Architecture in DEFA Youth Film.
(June 25, 2018), Moderation : Ada Bieber
Julia L. Mickenberg, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Veiled Transcripts: Tracing a Russian Revolution in American Children's Literature, 1927-1945
(Mai 17, 2018), Moderation: Ada Bieber


Photo Gallery 2024

® Sebastian Kissel

Mountains and Me.jpg
@Johari I. Murray, Spain

Photo Gallery 2023

Larissa Rudova 2023.jpg
Larissa Rudova 2023
Karen Sands O´Connor 2023

Elizabeth Galway 2023


Anna Nordenstam, 2023


Photo Gallery 2018-2022


Julia Mickenberg 2018

Daniel Feldman 2028.jpg
Daniel Feldman 2019

Zohar Shariv 2019.jpg
Zohar Shavit 2019

Sonja Klocke 2019.jpg
Sonja Klocke 2019

Rick Gooding 2019.jpg
Rick Gooding 2019


Karen 2021.jpg
Karen Sands O'Connor 2021

Responsible Founder & Organiser:
Dr. Ada Bieber,
Institut für deutsche Literatur,